Friday, June 30, 2006

A Shared Moment

Tensions between Hot Boss and I are getting tighter and harder to handle the closer our respective transfers get. The good news: He's going to the same store I'm going to in August. The bad news: He's going to be even higher up ont the Conglomomart Chain of Command, so that makes him even more unattainable for me. I'll just have to deal with the stress of being strongly attracted to someone I can never have. It makes for a fun working environment, though- especially when I know he reciprocates the feelings towards me (even though they remain unspoken, except for the offhand comment or the refusal to move when I have to get an envelope that just happens to be at his crotch area level). So the saga of Hot Boss and I shall continue to intrigue and amaze here in the pages of Three Of A Kind!

The shared moment: It was late in the last part of our respective shifts, and we were both more than a little bit tired. It's a hectic week at Conglomomart with the Pepsi Americas Sail going on and 4th of July weekend and millitary pay weekend, and one person leaving early today. That meant it was just me and Hot Boss together all night long, not counting the boys in the bays. So he's rushing around trying to get things together, and I'm rushing around trying to sign people up, ring people out, cut keys, answer questions, and still keep calm and composed.

Finally a lull hits... it's just Hot Boss, Queen (who has come to pick me up from work), and me clustered around the computer trying to get a look at what we have in the system.

It's here that it strikes me to use my position with him to influence him a little. In my best begging voice, with my head cocked at the cute-little-schoolgirl angle and my skirt swishing around my ankles, I looked at him and said, "Can your last act in this store pleeeeeeaaaasssseeee be to grant me my two weeks vacation times?" Blink, blink, grin, swish swish.

Hot Boss blushes and turns his head away in the shy and awkward way of a nerd on prom night, and agrees. Hot blood rushed to his face and you could just see (or I could from my vantage point, anyway) that my swishing had done its trick. I had embarrassed him again- had him in the palm of my hand and he knew that I knew that he knew it.

I'll be honest- a lot of my day is spent fantasizing about pulling him down in the oil pit and ravishing him. I plan to write about that at a later date.

1 comment:

greenlacewing said...

I like tension. I mean, I'd rather have consummation, but tension is a nice second.