Sunday, October 29, 2006

Confusion Cleared Up.

So, many of the candidates that I mentioned are now clear and out of the running in the fierce combat for my heart.

Xavier shall be mentioned no more, for he decided that I wasn't worth his time or something like that. It's long and complicated, and I don't feel like getting into it.

Ace and the other friend from Newport can be written off on account of distance and the fact that they're taken. Ah well, c'est la vie.

The co-worker, I'm not even going to attempt to touch. Harmless flirting is fine, but I would never break up a marriage, no matter how unstable it is anyway.

Hot Boss is, and will remain tops on my "I want to fuck you!!!!!!" list, but as I've stated before, I'm not going to pursue that anywhere but in my fantasies and in my dreams.

So, that really leaves just Queen and King right now. At least for the tangible real world at least. I can always reach out and touch them, can't I?

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